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Implement Your Vision


Now that you have identified a new direction for your career, how do you make it a reality?


Making a change is not easy. It requires commitment, dedication, and a cheer squad for the days you feel discouraged. It requires self-care, initiative, motivation, and being ok with rejection and hearing ‘no’.


But it doesn’t mean that it cannot be done. I believe that all you need is a plan, dedication, and a bit of help from the experts. Don’t be afraid to reach out to a marketing professional, a designer to create your logo or website, or a photographer to take your headshots. You can’t do it all by yourself. Don’t be discouraged by going back to school or needing to take classes. It’s all part of the plan.




To help you out, I’ve put together a plan I personally used to transition into a new career. You can access it here and save a new copy for yourself. I’ve used those exact steps to make three successful career transitions to date.


Check out a blog post I wrote about How to start your own business while working a full-time job .






Finally, if you are looking for someone to help you, keep you accountable and help you stay on track, contact me and we can work together. I can assist you with the following:


  • Writing and designing your resume / CV

  • Crafting your bio and your positioning statement

  • Defining your brand so you can stand out from the competition

  • If you are starting a new business, I can help you define and build your brand, your marketing and business plan, etc.


I have over 10 years of experience in the advertising and digital marketing field. I have worked with some of the world's top brands such as McDonald's, Adidas, Mars, Wrigley, and Canadian heavy-hitters such as OLG, WestJet, Metro, Moneris, Purolator, etc. You can check out my professional profile here.


Either way, I would like to hear from you to understand what challenges you are facing on your journey in terms of next steps and where you require help and support.


All my best,



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